To provide uninterrupted education for pupils unable to attend their regular classes because of a mandated school closing due to a widespread illness or public health emergency. The health and wellness of our school community remain our top priority.
NJDOH hotline established for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) information 800-222-1222
Communications will be distributed through School Messenger, Facebook,
Alerting families to the DOE requirements to create a health-related closure preparedness
plan: CSA will send home both electronic and paper communication containing the Department of Education’s requirements.
Providing “Equitable Access to Instruction for All Students”
Teachers in all subject areas including specials will prepare “Emergency Closure Plans”.
Plans will include work for students for a two week period and will include the following:
Determine and communicate the amount of daily lesson/practice time for each subject at each grade level.
Teachers will modify lessons and materials for students with accommodations according to their IEP/504 plans. Teachers will be monitoring their emails and Google Classrooms during school hours to answer questions.
Students will be provided with all materials; assignments, paper, writing instruments, etc.
Packets will be sent home with students.
Surveys identified students without digital access. Mobile hotspots were purchased for those with the need.
Teachers will be available to answer questions and support instruction during normal school hours. Families without Internet access can make notes on their child’s work with specific questions and the work can be completed upon the student’s return to school.
Special Education Related Services:
All IEP and 504 accommodations will be addressed in materials / packets sent home with students. Parents who feel their child’s modifications are not appropriate can email the Special Education teacher and the work can be adjusted. Families without Internet access can make notes on their child’s work with specific questions and the work can be completed upon the student’s return to school.
Students who receive related services OT/PT and Speech will participate in make up sessions upon return to school.
Nutritional Services:
Food service employees will have bagged lunches prepared for those who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Weekly lunches can be picked up on Monday of each week between the hours of 8:30 and 10:00 am.