MEETING CHANGE NOTICE FRANKFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION for the 2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR The annual notice for meeting of the Frankford Board of Education is hereby amended to as follows. Commencing November 23, 2020, all remaining meetings of the Frankford Board of Education will be held in a virtual environment via the ZOOM online meeting platform pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:39-1.1 et sec. and LFN 2020-21. Citizens may accessing the agenda and instructions for connecting to the virtual meetings by visiting the district website at The Agenda for the Regular Meetings includes: Call to Order, Roll Call, Sunshine Law Statement, Flag Salute, Approval of Minutes, Correspondence, Approval of Bills, Acceptance of Board Secretary's/ School Treasurer's Reports, Superintendent's Report, Public Comment, and Executive Sessions as needed. Formal action may be taken at regular meetings and the public is invited to attend. FRANKFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION Christopher M. Lessard Board Secretary
about 4 years ago, Christopher Lessard
Reminder to check the website for the link to access tonight's all remote BOE meeting. Or you access it here: Meeting ID: 849 8105 5755 Passcode: 4mhVQa
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Good afternoon, Please note that tomorrow's in person closure is only for Friday. We will address the future as we receive more information. The county did move to an Orange designation today as expected. The DOH expects that to move to Red in the next week or so. Regards, Mr. Hirsch
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Good afternoon, It has just come to our attention that we have a student with a confirmed case of Covid 19. Due to the amount of staff directly exposed, we are closing the building tomorrow, Friday, November 20th to all in person learning. All students will be home for remote learning. All direct contacts of the student have been notified, isolated, and will quarantine for the required amount of time. We will work closely with the Department of Health and continue to monitor the situation. Regards, Mr. Hirsch
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Bus Evacuation drills will be held for the next two mornings once the students arrive at school. If you are a middle school parent, please note their may be a short delay in dropping off your students during the next two days.
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Just a reminder that due to parent teacher conferences, the staff and students will follow the early dismissal schedule tomorrow Wednesday, November 18th.
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
To Our Frankford Twp. School and Community, For the past 14 years, a local chef has organized Thanksgiving meals to help those in need have a special holiday. Through numerous local donations and volunteers, they are able to serve over 1,000 meals in Sussex County! The FTS Pantry will be involved this year too and looking forward to serving our community. Please think of anyone in need: yourself, a neighbor who is alone, someone vulnerable to COVID and avoiding family functions, a family new to the area, someone suddenly unemployed, etc… The meals will be prepared by a team of local chefs (our very own Florian Wehrli included!) and distributed at a nearby location. When: Wednesday, Nov 25th Time: Pick-up between 10:00am-Noon Where: TBD – but locally in Frankford What If: If pick-up is not an option, we can arrange delivery What: Each Thanksgiving Meal will be complete with turkey, stuffing, cranberry, gravy, potato, vegetable, and dessert How: Please “order” ahead. We are as passionate about serving food as we are about not wasting it. A general headcount is extremely important. Text Jodi Fernandez at 973.903.7564 with how many meals you will pick-up. They are individual serving size so a family of 4 will need…4. On a separate note, if you would like to donate food: cans of pumpkin, cranberry, chicken broth, and desserts still needed. I am collecting at my home and you can text me for drop-off. THANK YOU and wishing everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! Sincerely, Jodi
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Reminder: Lunches can be ordered through the Google form for any child under the age of 18 as long as they live in Frankford or Branchville.
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Just a reminder that tomorrow, due to the election, all school lessons must be handled remotely. Cohort B students will return on Wednesday for in person instruction.
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Congratulations to 5th-grader Rylee Bambara. She won the Father John's pet safety poster contest and will be interviewed on their Facebook Live stream on Saturday at noon. Way to go!
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Hungry for more to do at home? Got too much extra time??? Don't know what to do with yourself?!? I've got the solution! Cook! In Food Science class, we have Enrichen' In the Kitchen on Wednesdays; each week I post a recipe and how-to video. It's completely optional to participate. Even though you don't currently have Food Science class, you are welcome to join my Enrichen' Google Classroom. That's where you'll find all the recipes and videos to get cooking! Join the class: Always hungry for more, Mrs. Bennett
about 4 years ago, Amy Librizzi
This year, more than ever, our staff has been doing their absolute best to stay in communication with parents regarding student engagement and progress. This year we will continue to have Parent /Teacher conferences but they will be held virtually. Typically, we have early dismissals on the days of the conferences. In order to reduce the amount of instructional time lost due to those early dismissal days, we are running Parent / Teacher conferences the evenings of Wednesday November 11th and 18th from 6-8pm. We are asking our staff to reach out to invite parents to conferences based on academic need first. If you do not receive an invite but would like to conference with a specific teacher please don’t hesitate to reach out to them and schedule one. Details will be forthcoming from your child’s teacher(s).
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
School pictures have been postponed until the Spring. More info to follow!
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Good morning, The State of NJ has closed all schools for in person learning on Election Day. In order to not lose a day of in person instruction on Tuesday November 3rd, we will be changing the schedule as follows. Monday, November 2nd - A cohort students attend in person instruction as they normally would. B students are remote. Tuesday, November 3rd - All students will be all be home for remote learning Wednesday, November 4th - B cohort students attend in person instruction. A cohort students are remote. Regards, Mr. Hirsch
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
Reminder: School is closed on Monday for Columbus Day.
about 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
October 5th is World Teachers Day! "Teachers: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining the Future"
about 4 years ago, Amy Librizzi
World teachers Day
Student Safety During Pick-up! For students that are picked up at the Elementary School Entrance: In an effort to streamline the pick up of your child(ren) at the end of the day we are looking to improve the process. Student safety is always our top priority and we need to feel comfortable when dismissing students. So we are trying to protect our “littles” at the end of day when we send them to you! We are noticing that the line-up of cars is almost to the Middle School driveway and we are hesitant to send children down the sidewalk so far from our line of vision. Beginning today, please begin to line up in the circular drive, step out of your vehicle and approach the front doors. You may come up to where we have the orange cones placed and along the sidewalk maintaining social distancing. We will be keeping the children indoors and under the overhang.We will send your child to you as soon as we see you! Please exit quickly. For those cars that are lined up, as others exit the circle, please drive up along the curb. Step out of your car and come toward the front doors to pick up your child. Pick-up for Middle School ONLY students will remain the same.
about 4 years ago, Katie Brady
Students will be returning to their Hybrid schedule on Monday, September 28th.
over 4 years ago, Braden Hirsch
IMPORTANT LUNCH INFORMATION: Please Note that no lunch orders will be taken after 9am each morning! Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Katie Brady