Parents, Need help navigating Google Classroom?
Please see our NEWS feed for an import message from Mr Hirsch.
Reminder that tomorrow is a remote day for all students. Thank you to everyone for a great start!
We ask for your patience this afternoon with dismissal. Lots of moving parts to get this right!
The Frankford Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Tuesday September 8, 2020 at 9am via Zoom Conference call for the purpose of confidential staffing matters. Following the meeting start, the meeting will move to closed session for discussion of personnel matters and will return to public session for voting. Action will be taken and the public is invited to attend. Please check the district website at for information about viewing and participating in the virtual meeting.
Link to join Meeting:
See our Frequently Asked Questions page just submitted under "NEWS".
Elementary Chromebooks will be ready for pick up tomorrow Monday August 31st starting at noon. If you ordered a Wifi hotspot, please only borrow one per family.
Middle School Chromebooks are here for pick up at the Middle School entrance for the next two weeks. 8:30am -3:30pm
Your child is using ClassLink, a single sign-on platform allowing them to use ONE username and password to access everything. Click the link below to review how to use.
Schedules are now open!
Now is the time to practice wearing the masks for longer periods of time with your kids. We got this!
We're excited to announce our new mobile app!
School will be closed beginning March 16 and reopen on March 30 due to Corona Virus.